Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audiobook by Stephen Fry

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ted me doing whatever and i, um, I asked her not to mention it to
any person. I need to say, I did feel she’d keep her word. It is nothing,
particularly, identification just as a substitute -”
Harry had on no account visible Percy look so uncomfortable.
“What were you doing, Percy?” said Ron, grinning. “Go on, inform us, we
will not giggle.”
Percy didn’t smile again.
“pass me those rolls, Harry, i am starving.”
Harry knew the entire mystery probably solved the following day without
their support, however he wasn’t about to go up a threat to converse to Myrtle
if it grew to become up – and to his pride it did, midmorning, once they had been
being resulted in historical past of Magic via Gilderoy Lockhart.
Lockhart, who had so traditionally guaranteed them that each one hazard had passed,
handiest to be proved unsuitable proper away, used to be now wholeheartedly
satisfied that it was once rarely worth the trouble to peer them safely
down the corridors. His hair wasn’t as smooth as normal; it gave the impression he
had been up many of the night, patrolling the fourth floor.
“Mark my words,” he mentioned, ushering them round a nook. “the primary
words out of these poor Petrified people’s mouths will be It was
Hagrid.’ Frankly, i’m astounded Professor McGonagall thinks all
these protection measures are crucial.”
(ti agree, sir,” stated Harry, making Ron drop his book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s in surprise.
“thank you, Harry, said Lockhart graciously whilst they waited for a
lengthy line of Hufflepuffs to pass. “I imply, we academics have really
sufficient to be getting on with, without jogging pupils to classes and
standing defend all night time ……
“that’s right,” said Ron, catching on. “Why don’t you leave us here, sir,
we have only obtained another corridor to move -”
“you already know, Weasley, I think i will,” said Lockhart. “I rather will have to go
and put together my next type -”
And he hurried off.
“prepare his classification,” Ron sneered after him. “long gone to twist his hair,
extra like.”
They let the relaxation of the Gryffindors draw forward of them, then darted
down a side passage and hurried off toward Moaning Myrtle’s
toilet. But simply as they have been congratulating each different on their
excellent scheme
“Potter! Weasley! What are you doing?”
It was once Professor McGonagall, and her mouth was the thinnest of skinny
“We have been -we were-” Ron stammered. “We have been going to – to move and
see -”
“Hermione,” stated Harry. Ron and Professor McGonagall each seemed
at him.
“we’ve not seen her for a long time, Professor,” Harry went on hurriedly,
treading on Ron’s foot, “and we idea we might sneak into the health facility
wing, you already know, and tell her the Mandrakes are just about ready and, er,
to not fear -”
Professor McGonagall used to be still staring at him, and for a second,
Harry idea she was once going to blow up, but when she spoke, it was in
a strangely croaky voice.
“Of course,” she said, and Harry, amazed, noticed a tear glistening in her
beady eye. “Of path, I have an understanding of this has all been hardest on the acquaintances
of people who have been … I quite realise. Sure,
Potter, of path you may also discuss with miss Granger. I’ll inform Professor
Binns where you have long past. Tell Madam Pomfrey i’ve given my
Harry and Ron walked away, rarely daring to consider that they’d
refrained from detention. As they became the nook, they extraordinarily heard
Professor McGonagall blow her nostril.
“That,” mentioned Ron fervently, “was once the fine story you might have ever come up
they had no alternative now but to move to the hospital wing and tell Madam
Pomfrey that they had Professor McGonagall’s permission to seek advice from
Madam Pomfrey let them in, however reluctantly.
“there’s just no point speaking to a Petrified. Man or woman,” she stated, and they
had to admit she had a factor after they’d taken their seats next to
Hermione. It was once simple that Hermione did not have the faintest inkling
that she had viewers, and that they could simply as good tell her bedside
cupboard not to worry for all the good it would do.
“surprise if she did see the attacker, although?” stated Ron, looking unfortunately
at Hermione’s rigid face. “considering that if he sneaked up on them all, no
one’ll ever recognize . …..
But Harry wasn’t watching at Hermione’s face. He was once more
in her proper hand. It lay clenched on top of her blankets, and bending
closer, he noticed that a bit of paper used to be scrunched inside her fist.
Making sure that Madam Pomfrey was once nowhere close, he pointed this
out to Ron.
“TG and get it out,” Ron whispered, shifting his chair in order that he
blocked Harry from Madam Pomfrey’s view.
It was once no convenient project. Hermione’s hand used to be clamped so tightly around
the paper that Harry was once sure he was going to tear it. Whilst Ron kept
watch he tugged and twisted, and at final, after several disturbing minutes,
the paper came free.
It used to be a page torn from an awfully old library guide. Harry smoothed it out
eagerly and Ron leaned close to learn it, too.
Of the numerous fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land,
there’s none extra curious or more lethal than the Basilisk,
identified additionally because the King of Serpents. This snake, which may
attain immense measurement and live many thousands of years, is born
from a fowl’s egg, hatched beneath a toad. Its ways of killing are
most wondrous, for aside from its lethal and venomous fangs, the Basilisk
has a murderous stare, and all who are constant with the beam of its eye shall
suffer instantaneous loss of life. Spiders flee before the Basilisk, for it is their mortal
enemy, and the Basilisk flees simplest from the crowing of the rooster, which is
deadly to it.
And underneath this, a single word had been written, in a hand Harry
well-known as Hermione’s. Pipes.
It used to be as if a person had simply flicked a gentle on in his mind.
“Ron,” he breathed. “that is it. This is the answer. The monster in the
Chamber’s a basilisk – a colossal serpent! That why i have been listening to
that voice all over the position, and no person else has heard it. It can be in view that
I realize Parseltongue . . . .”
Harry appeared up on the beds around him.
“The basilisk kills persons through looking at them. But no person’s died –
because nobody looked it straight within the eye. Colin saw it through his
camera. The basilisk burned up all of the movie within it, however Colin just bought
Petrified. Justin . . . Justin ought to’ve obvious the basilisk via virtually
Headless Nick! Nick obtained the full blast of it, however he couldn’t die again .
. . And Hermione and that Ravenclaw prefect had been located with a
reflect subsequent to them. Hermione had just realized the monster was a
basilisk. I bet you whatever she warned the first person she met to
appear around corners with a mirror first! And that lady pulled out her
mirror – and -”
Rods jaw had dropped.
“And Mrs. Norris?” he whispered eagerly.
Harry proposal difficult, picturing the scene on the night of Halloween.
“The water. . .” he stated slowly. “The flood from Moaning Myrtle’s
rest room. I guess you Mrs. Norris best noticed the reflection . . . .”
He scanned the web page in his hand eagerly. The extra he checked out it,
the extra it made sense.
`: . . The crowing of the fowl . . . Is fatal to it”! He learn aloud. “Hagrid’s
roosters were killed! The inheritor of Slytherin didn’t wish one at any place
near the fort once the Chamber was once opened! Spidersflee earlier than it.! It
all fits!”
“but how’s the basilisk been getting around the place?” said Ron. “A
tremendous snake . . . Someone would’ve visible. . .”
Harry, nevertheless, pointed at the phrase Hermione had scribbled on the
foot of the page.
“Pipes,” he mentioned. “Pipes . . . Ron, it’s been using the plumbing. I’ve
been listening to that voice within the partitions . . . .”
Ron suddenly grabbed Harry’s arm.
“the entrance to the Chamber of secrets!” he said hoarsely.
“What if it is a toilet? What if it is in -”
`= Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, “said Harry.
They sat there, excitement coursing by means of them, infrequently capable
to think it.
“this means,” said Harry, “I can’t be the one Parselmouth in
the institution. The inheritor of Slytherin’s one, too. That’s how he is been
controlling the basilisk.”
“What’re we going to do?” said Ron, whose eyes had been flashing.
“must we go straight to McGonagall?”
“Let’s go to the staff room,” said Harry, jumping up. “She’ll be
there in ten minutes. It’s just about destroy.”
They ran downstairs. No longer trying to be discovered placing
round in a further corridor, they went straight into the deserted
employees room. It used to be a tremendous, paneled room full of darkish, wooden chairs.
Harry and Ron paced round it, too excited to sit down.
However the bell to sign ruin never got here.
As a substitute, echoing via the corridors got here Professor McGon
agall’s voice, magically magnified.
`All pupils to return to their residence dormitories at once. All teach
ers return to the employees room. Immediately, please. ”
Harry wheeled round to stare at Ron.
“not an additional assault? Not now?”
“What’ll we do?” mentioned Ron, aghast. “return to the dormitory?”
“No,” stated Harry, glancing round. There used to be an ugly kind of
cloth wardrobe to his left, full of the lecturers’ cloaks. “In here. Let’s hear
what it can be all about. Then we will tell them what we have discovered.”
They hid themselves within it, taking note of the rumbling of countless numbers of
individuals relocating overhead, and the employees room door banging open.
From between the musty folds of the cloaks, they watched the
academics filtering into the room. Some of them have been watching puzzled,
others downright scared. Then Professor McGonagall arrived.
“It has occurred,” she advised the silent employees room. “A pupil has been
taken through the monster. Proper into the Chamber itself.”
Professor Flitwick let loose a squeal. Professor Sprout clapped her
palms over her mouth. Snape gripped the back of a chair very tough
and mentioned, “how will you be sure?”
“The heir of Slytherin,” mentioned Professor McGonagall, who used to be very
white, “left one other message. Right underneath the first one. `Her
skeleton will lie in the Chamber eternally. “‘
Professor Flitwick burst into tears.
“who’s it?” said Madam Hooch, who had sunk, weak-kneed, right into a
chair. “Which scholar?”
“Ginny Weasley,” said Professor McGonagall.
Harry felt Ron slide silently down onto the cloth wardrobe floor beside
“we will have to send the entire students home day after today,” mentioned
Professor McGonagall. “that is the end of Hogwarts. Dumbledore
constantly said. . .”
The staffroom door banged open once more. For one wild moment,
Harry used to be certain it will be Dumbledore. However it was Lockhart, and
he used to be beaming.
“So sorry – dozed off – what have I ignored?”
He failed to seem to realize that the other lecturers have been looking at him
with whatever remarkably like hatred. Snape stepped forward.
“just the person,” he mentioned. “The very man. A woman has been snatched via
the monster, Lockhart. Taken into the Chamber of secrets itself. Your
second has come at final.”
Lockhart blanched.
“that is right, Gilderoy,” chipped in Professor Sprout. “Weren’t you
announcing simply last night time that you have identified all along the place the doorway to
the Chamber of secrets and techniques is?”
“I – good, I -“sputtered Lockhart.
“yes, failed to you inform me you were definite you knew what was within it?”
piped up Professor Flitwick.
“D-did I? I don’t don’t forget -”
“I without doubt recall you announcing you had been sorry you hadn’t had a
crack on the monster before Hagrid was once arrested,” stated Snape. “failed to
you say that the whole affair had been bungled, and that you simply must
have been given a free rein from the primary?”
Lockhart stared around at his stony-confronted colleagues.
“I – I particularly under no circumstances – you may have misunderstood -”
“we are going to leave it to you, then, Gilderoy,” mentioned Professor McGonagall.
“Tonight will be an fine time to do it. We are going to make sure each person’s
out of your means. You’ll be able to be equipped to sort out the monster all through youself. A
free rein at last.”
Lockhart gazed desperately round him, however nobody got here to the
rescue. He didn’t appear remotely good-looking anymore. His lip used to be
trembling, and in the absence of his almost always toothy grin, he appeared
vulnerable-chinned and feeble.
“V very well,” he said. “i will – i’ll be in my office, getting getting competent.”
And he left the room.
“proper,” said Professor McGonagall, whose nostrils had been flared,
“that’s bought him out from under our toes. The Heads of houses will have to
go and inform their scholars what has happened. Tell them the
Hogwarts express will take them residence first thing day after today. Will the
rest of you please be certain no students were left external their
the teachers rose and left, separately.
It was more commonly the worst day of Harry’s complete life. He, Ron, Fred,
and George sat collectively in a corner of the Gryffindor normal room,
unable to say anything to one another. Percy wasn’t there. He had long past
to send an owl to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley, then shut himself up in his
No afternoon ever lasted so long as that one, nor had Gryffindor
Tower ever been so crowded, yet so quiet. Near sundown, Fred and
George went up to bed, unable to sit down there any more.
“She knew something, Harry,” stated Ron, talking for the primary time
considering that that they had entered the cloth cabinet in the staff room. “that is why
she was taken. It wasn’t some silly thing about Percy at all., She’d
discovered anything concerning the Chamber of secrets and techniques. That have to be why
she was once -” Ron rubbed his eyes frantically. “I imply, she was a pureblood.
There cannot be any other rationale.”
Harry might see the sun sinking, blood-red, under the skyline. This was once
the worst he had ever felt. If handiest there was once whatever they might do.
“Harry” stated Ron. “D’you feel there may be any chance in any respect she’s now not – you
understand =”
Harry didn’t comprehend what to say. He could not see how Ginny would still
be alive.
“D’you realize what?” said Ron. “I consider we must go and spot
Lockhart. Inform him what we know. He is going to take a look at and get into the
Chamber. We can inform him the place we believe it is, and tell him it can be a
basilisk in there.”
due to the fact that Harry could not think of anything else to do, and seeing that he
desired to be doing some thing, he agreed. The Gryffindors round
them had been so miserable, and felt so sorry for the Weasleys, that
nobody tried to stop them as they received up, crossed the room, and left
through the portrait hole.
Darkness was once falling as they walked down to Lockhart’s place of work.
There looked to be a number of exercise occurring within it. They could hear
scraping, thumps, and hurried footsteps.
Harry knocked and there was once a sudden silence from within. Then the
door opened the tiniest crack and they noticed certainly one of Lockhart’s eyes
peering by means of it.
“Oh – Mr. Potter – Mr. Weasley -” he said, opening the door a little
wider. “i’m rather busy on the second – should you can be rapid -”
“Professor, we’ve got acquired some information for you,” mentioned Harry. “We
suppose it can help you.”
“Er – good – it is now not terribly -” The part of Lockhart’s face that they
could see looked very uncomfortable. “I imply – good all right -”
He opened the door and they entered.
His place of job had been almost utterly stripped. Two big trunks
stood open on the floor. Robes, jade-green, lilac, midnightblue, had
been unexpectedly folded into certainly one of them; book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s have been jumbled untidily into
the opposite. The photos that had protected the walls were now
crammed into containers on the desk.
“Are you going somewhere?” stated Harry.
“Er, good, yes,” said Lockhart, ripping a life-measurement poster of himself from
the back of the door as he spoke and commencing to roll it up. “pressing call –
unavoidable – got to move -”
“What about my sister?” stated Ron jerkily.
“well, as to that – most unlucky -” mentioned Lockhart, avoiding their
eyes as he wrenched open a drawer and began emptying the contents
into a bag. “no one regrets more than I -”
“you’re the protection in opposition to the dark Arts trainer!” mentioned Harry.
“You can not go now! Now not with the entire dark stuff happening here!”
“well – I have to say – after I took the job -” Lockhart muttered, now
piling socks on high of his robes. “nothing within the job description – did not
count on -”
“You mean you’re running away?” said Harry disbelievingly. “in the end
that stuff you did to your book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s -”
“Book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s can also be misleading,” mentioned Lockhart delicately.
“You wrote them!” Harry shouted.
“My pricey boy,” stated Lockhart, straightening up and frowning at Harry.
“Do use your common sense. My book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s don’t have offered half as
well if individuals didn’t consider id carried out all those matters. No person wants to
examine some unpleasant ancient Armenian warlock, although he did store a
village from werewolves. He’d look dreadful on the front duvet. No
gown sense at all. And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee
had a harelip. I mean, come on -”
“So you may have just been taking credit for what a load of other individuals have
finished?” stated Harry incredulously.
“Harry, Harry,” mentioned Lockhart, shaking his head impatiently, “it is not
almost so simple as that. There was work worried. I had
to monitor these men and women down. Ask them exactly how they managed to
do what they did. Then I needed to put a reminiscence charm on them so they
wouldn’t recall doing it. If there’s one factor I delight myself on, it’s
my memory Charms. No, it is been quite a lot of work, Harry. It’s now not all
e-book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online) signings and publicity images, you recognize. You need reputation, you
must be all set for a long hard slog.”
He banged the lids of his trunks shut and locked them.
“let’s see,” he mentioned. “I think that is everything. Yes. Only one thing
He pulled out his wand and grew to become to them.
“exceptionally sorry, boys, but i will need to put a reminiscence appeal on you
now. Can’t have you blabbing my secrets and techniques in all places the location. Identity on no account
promote a different guide -”
Harry reached his wand just in time. Lockhart had barely raised his,
when Harry bellowed, “Expelliarmus!”
Lockhart was blasted backward, falling over his trunk; his wand flew
high into the air; Ron caught it, and flung it out of the open window.
“wouldn’t have let Professor Snape instruct us that one,” said Harry
furiously, kicking Lockhart’s trunk aside. Lockhart was looking up at
him, feeble once more. Harry was once nonetheless pointing his wand at him.
“What d’you want me to do?” mentioned Lockhart weakly. “I don’t know
the place the Chamber of secrets is. There’s nothing i can do.”
“you are in good fortune,” mentioned Harry, forcing Lockhart to his feet at wandpoint.
“We consider we all know the place it’s. And what’s inside it. Let’s go.”
They marched Lockhart out of his place of work and down the nearest stairs,
alongside the darkish corridor where the messages shone on the wall, to the
door of Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom.
They despatched Lockhart in first. Harry was joyful to peer that he was once
Moaning Myrtle was once sitting on the tank of the tip toilet.
“Oh, it’s you,” she mentioned when she saw Harry. “What do you want this
“To ask you the way you died,” mentioned Harry.
Myrtle’s entire facet modified immediately. She appeared as if she had
certainly not been asked one of these flattering query.
“Ooooh, it was once dreadful,” she said with savor. “It occurred right in
right here. I died on this very stall. I remember it so well. Id hidden due to the fact
Olive Hornby used to be teasing me about my glasses. The door was locked,
and i was once crying, and then I heard a person are available in. They stated
whatever humorous. Yet another language, I believe it have to were.
Anyway, what fairly received me was once that it was once a boy speaking. So I
unlocked the door, to inform him to move and use his own toilet, after which -”
Myrtle swelled importantly, her face shining. “I died.”
“How?” stated Harry.
“No thought,” stated Myrtle in hushed tones. “I simply do not forget seeing a pair
of first-rate, colossal, yellow eyes. My whole physique style of seized up, after which I
was once floating away . . . .” She appeared dreamily at Harry. “after which I
came back once more. I was once determined to haunt Olive Hornby, you see.
Oh, she used to be sorry she’d ever laughed at my glasses.”
“the place exactly did you see the eyes?” mentioned Harry.
“someplace there,” stated Myrtle, pointing vaguely towards the sink in
entrance of her toilet.
Harry and Ron hurried over to it. Lockhart used to be standing well back, a
look of utter terror on his face.
It gave the look of an ordinary sink. They examined every inch of it, inside of
and out, including the pipes below. And then Harry saw it: Scratched
on the side of one of the vital copper faucets used to be a tiny snake.
“That tap’s not ever labored,” said Myrtle brightly as he tried to show it.
“Harry,” mentioned Ron. “Say anything. Whatever in Parseltongue.”
“but -” Harry suggestion rough. The one occasions he’d ever managed to
communicate Parseltongue were when he’d been faced with an actual snake. He
stared tough on the tiny- engraving, seeking to think it was once actual.
“Open up,” he mentioned.
He looked at Ron, who shook his head.
“English,” he mentioned.
Harry regarded back on the snake, inclined himself to feel it used to be alive.
If he moved his head, the candlelight made it appear as though it were
“Open up,” he mentioned.
Except that the words weren’t what he heard; a strange hissing had
escaped him, and without delay the tap glowed with a notable white mild and
started to spin. Subsequent 2nd, the sink started to move; the sink, correctly,
sank, proper out of sight, leaving a enormous pipe uncovered, a pipe vast
enough for a person to slip into.
Harry heard Ron gasp and seemed up again. He had made up his intellect
what he used to be going to do.
“i am going down there,” he mentioned. .
He could not no longer go, no longer now that they had located the entrance to the
Chamber, no longer if there was once even the faintest, slimmest, wildest risk
that Ginny perhaps alive.
“Me too,” stated Ron.
There was once a pause.
“good, you rarely appear to want me,” mentioned Lockhart, with a shadow
of his historical smile. “i’ll simply -”
He put his hand on the door knob, but Ron and Harry both pointed
their wands at him.
“which you can go first,” Ron twisted up.
White-confronted and wandless, Lockhart approached the hole.
“Boys,” he stated, his voice feeble. “Boys, what good will it do?”
Harry jabbed him in the back with his wand. Lockhart slid his legs
into the pipe.
“I really don’t consider -” he began to assert, but Ron gave him a push,
and he slid out of sight. Harry adopted swiftly. He lowered himself
slowly into the pipe, then let go.
It was once like speeding down an unending, slimy, dark slide. He could see
extra pipes branching off in all instructions, but none as huge as theirs,
which twisted and grew to become, sloping steeply downward, and he knew
that he was once falling deeper under the tuition than even the dungeons.
In the back of him he would hear Ron, thudding reasonably on the curves.
And then, just as he had begun to worry about what would occur
when he hit the ground, the pipe leveled out, and he shot out of the
end with a moist thud, landing on the damp floor of a dismal stone tunnel
significant ample to stand in. Lockhart was once attending to his
ft just a little ways away, blanketed in slime and white as a ghost. Harry
stood apart as Ron came whizzing out of the pipe, too.
“We ought to be miles below the school,” said Harry, his voice echoing in
the black tunnel.
“beneath the lake, usually,” mentioned Ron, squinting around on the darkish,
slimy partitions.
All three of them became to stare into the darkness ahead.
“Lumos!” Harry muttered to his wand and it lit once more. “C’mon,” he
mentioned to Ron and Lockhart, and off they went, their footsteps slapping
loudly on the wet flooring.
The tunnel used to be so darkish that they could only see a bit distance forward.
Their shadows on the moist walls seemed substantial in the wandlight.
“keep in mind,” Harry said quietly as they walked cautiously ahead,
“any sign of action, shut your eyes correct away . …..
But the tunnel was once quiet as the grave, and the primary surprising sound
they heard used to be a loud crunch as Ron stepped on what turned out to be
a rat’s skull. Harry lowered his wand to seem on the ground and noticed that
it used to be suffering from small animal bones. Making an attempt very difficult to not
think what Ginny could seem like if they located her, Harry led the
approach ahead, round a depressing bend in the tunnel.
“Harry – there may be something up there -” mentioned Ron hoarsely, grabbing
Harry’s shoulder.
They iced over, watching. Harry might simply see the outline of something
significant and curved, lying proper throughout the tunnel. It wasn’t relocating.
“possibly it can be asleep,” he breathed, glancing again on the other two.
Lockhart’s arms had been pressed over his eyes. Harry turned back to
seem on the factor, his coronary heart beating so speedy it harm.
* 302 *
Very slowly, his eyes as slender as he would make them and still see,
Harry edged ahead, his wand held high.
The light slid over a big snake epidermis, of a vivid, poisonous green,
mendacity curled and empty throughout the tunnel floor. The creature that had
shed it need to have been twenty feet long as a minimum.
“Blimey,” said Ron weakly.
There used to be a sudden action at the back of them. Gilderoy Lockhart’s
knees had given manner.
“stand up,” said Ron sharply, pointing his wand at Lockhart.
Lockhart acquired to his ft – then he dived at Ron, knocking him to the
Harry jumped forward, but too late – Lockhart was straightening up,
panting, Ron’s wand in his hand and a glowing smile back on his
“the adventure ends here, boys!” he stated. “I shall take a bit of this
dermis again as much as the tuition, tell them I was once too late to save lots of the lady,
and that you two tragically misplaced your minds at the sight of her
mangled body – say goodbye to your reminiscences!”
He raised Ron’s Spellotaped wand excessive over his head and yelled,
The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb. Harry flung his
palms over his head and ran, slipping over the coils of snake dermis, out
of the way of excellent chunks of tunnel ceiling that were thundering to
the floor. Next moment, he was once standing alone, gazing at an effective wall
of damaged rock.
“Ron!” he shouted. “Are you k? Ron!”
“i am right here!” came Ron’s muffled voice from behind the rockfall. “i am
okay – this git’s not, though – he obtained blasted with the aid of the wand =’
There was once a stupid thud and a loud “ow!” It sounded as if Ron had
simply kicked Lockhart in the shins.
“What now?” Ron’s voice mentioned, sounding determined. “We can not get
by way of – it’ll take a long time ……
Harry regarded up on the tunnel ceiling. Massive cracks had seemed in it.
He had certainly not tried to interrupt aside some thing as significant as these rocks through
magic, and now failed to seem a just right moment to try – what if the entire
tunnel caved in?
There used to be an extra thud and one other “ow!” from in the back of the rocks.
They had been losing time. Ginny had already been within the Chamber of
secrets and techniques for hours …. Harry knew there was once just one thing to do.
“Wait there,” he called to Ron. “Wait with Lockhart. I’ll go on…. If i am
not back in an hour. . .
There used to be an awfully pregnant pause,
“i’ll try to shift a few of this rock,” stated Ron, who looked to be trying
to hold his voice steady. “So that you could – can get again through. And,
Harry -”
“See you in a little bit,” said Harry, looking to inject some self belief into his
shaking voice.
And he spark off by myself earlier the tremendous snake dermis.
Soon the far-off noise of Ron straining to shift the rocks was gone.
The tunnel became and grew to become again. Each nerve in Harry’s body was
tingling unpleasantly. He desired the tunnel to finish, yet dreaded what
he’d find when it did. After which, at final, as he crept round yet a different
bend, he noticed a high-quality wall forward on which two entwined serpents had been
carved, their eyes set with great, glinting emeralds.
Harry approached, his throat very dry. There was once no have to pretend
these stone snakes have been real; their eyes looked strangely alive.
He might wager what he needed to do. He cleared his throat, and the
emerald eyes gave the impression to flicker.
“Open, “said Harry, in a low, faint hiss.
The serpents parted because the wall cracked open, the halves slid easily
out of sight, and Harry, shaking from head to foot, walked within.
E used to be standing at the finish of an extraordinarily long, dimly lit chamber. Towering
stone pillars entwined with extra carved serpents rose to help a
ceiling lost in darkness, casting long, black shadows by way of the bizarre,
greenish gloom that filled the place.
His heart beating very quick, Harry stood taking note of the chill silence.
Could the basilisk be lurking in a shadowy nook, behind a pillar? And
the place used to be Ginny?
He pulled out his wand and moved ahead between the serpentine
columns. Each cautious footstep echoed loudly off the shadowy partitions.
He kept his eyes narrowed, equipped to clamp them shut at the smallest
sign of action. The hole eye sockets of the stone snakes
seemed to be following him. More than as soon as, with a jolt of the
belly, he concept he saw one stir.
Then, as he drew stage with the final pair of pillars, a statue excessive because the
Chamber itself loomed into view, standing in opposition to the back wall.
Harry needed to crane his neck to appear up into the gigantic face above: It
was once historical and monkeyish, with a protracted, skinny beard that fell almost to
the backside of the wizard’s sweeping stone robes, the place two
tremendous grey feet stood on the delicate Chamber ground. And between
the toes, facedown, lay a small, black-robed figure with flaming-pink
“tinny!” Harry muttered, sprinting to her and losing to his knees.
“tinny – do not be useless – please do not be dead -” He flung his wand
aside, grabbed Ginny’s shoulders, and grew to become her over. Her face was once
white as marble, and as bloodless, but her eyes have been closed, so she wasn’t
Petrified. However then she must be
“Ginny, please get up,” Harry muttered desperately, shaking her.
Ginny’s head lolled hopelessly from part to part.
“She won’t wake,” stated a tender voice.
Harry jumped and spun around on his knees.
A tall, black-haired boy was leaning in opposition to the closest pillar,
observing. He was surprisingly blurred across the edges, as though
Harry had been watching at him by means of a misted window. However there was
no mistaking him
“Tom – Tom Riddle?”
Riddle nodded, no longer taking his eyes off Harry’s face.
“What d’you imply, she is not going to wake?” Harry said desperately. “She’s
no longer – she’s no longer -?”
“She’s still alive,” stated Riddle. “but simplest just.”
Harry stared at him. Tom Riddle had been at Hogwarts fifty years
in the past, but here he stood, a weird, misty light shining about him, now not a day
older than sixteen.
“Are you a ghost?” Harry said uncertainly.
* 30 7*
“A reminiscence,” mentioned Riddle quietly. “Preserved in a diary for 50 years.
He pointed toward the floor close the statue’s tremendous toes. Mendacity open
there was the little black diary Harry had located in Moaning Myrtle’s
rest room. For a second, Harry wondered how it had received there – but
there have been more urgent concerns to deal with.
“you may have acquired to aid me, Tom,” Harry mentioned, elevating Ginny’s head again.
“now we have acquired to get her out of right here. There is a basilisk … I don’t know
where it is, nevertheless it would be along any moment …. Please, help me -1)
Riddle failed to move. Harry, sweating, managed to hoist Ginny half of off
the floor, and bent to opt for up his wand again.
However his wand had gone.
“Did you see -?”
He regarded up. Riddle was once still observing him – twirling Harry’s wand
between his long fingers.
“Thanks,” said Harry, stretching out his hand for it.
A smile curled the corners of Riddle’s mouth. He continued to stare at
Harry, twirling the wand idly.
“listen,” said Harry urgently, his knees sagging with Ginny’s useless
weight. “we have now bought to go! If the basilisk comes -”
“It will not come unless it’s called,” stated Riddle frivolously.
Harry reduced Ginny back onto the floor, unable to hold her up any
“What d’you mean?” he said. “look, give me my wand, I would want it
Riddle’s smile broadened.
“You is not going to be needing it,” he stated.
Harry stared at him.
“What d’you imply, I is not going to be -?”
“I’ve waited a long time for this, Harry Potter,” mentioned Riddle. “For the
risk to see you. To communicate to you.”
“seem,” said Harry, dropping patience, “i do not feel you get it. We’re in
the Chamber of secrets. We are able to speak later -”
“we will talk now,” said Riddle, still smiling extensively, and he
pocketed Harry’s wand.
Harry stared at him. There was anything very humorous going on right here
“How did Ginny get like this?” he asked slowly.
“good, that is an exciting question,” said Riddle pleasantly. “And particularly
an extended story. I believe the true reason Ginny Weasley’s like this is
considering that she opened her heart and spilled all her secrets and techniques to an invisible
“What are you speaking about?” mentioned Harry.
“The diary,” said Riddle. `My diary. Little Ginny’s been writing in it for
months and months, telling me all her pitiful concerns and woes – how
her brothers tease her, how she needed to come to school with
secondhand robes and book (harry potter and the chamber of secrets audiobook online)s, how” -Riddle’s eyes glinted “how she
failed to consider famous, excellent, excellent Harry Potter would ever like her . . . .”
at all times he spoke, Riddle’s eyes by no means left Harry’s face. There
was once an virtually hungry appear in them.
“it is very boring, having to hearken to the silly little troubles of an elevenyear-
old girl,” he went on. “however I used to be sufferer. I wrote again. I was once
sympathetic, I was style. Ginny effectively cherished me. No one’s ever
understood me such as you, Tom …. I am so comfortable I’ve got this diary to
open up to …. It’s like having a friend i can elevate around in my pocket . . . .
Riddle laughed, a excessive, bloodless snicker that didn’t swimsuit him. It made the hairs
get up on the again of Harry’s neck.
“If I say it myself, Harry, I’ve at all times been competent to attraction the persons I
needed. So Ginny poured out her soul to me, and her soul occurred to
be exactly what I desired …. I grew stronger and more desirable on a weight loss plan of
her deepest fears, her darkest secrets and techniques. I grew robust, some distance extra
robust than little miss Weasley. Robust sufficient to start feeding
pass over Weasley a number of of my secrets, to pouring slightly of my soul
back into her. . .”
“What d’you mean?” stated Harry, whose mouth had long gone very dry.
” haven’t you guessed yet, Harry Potter?” said Riddle softly. “Ginny
Weasley opened the Chamber of secrets and techniques. She strangled the school
roosters and daubed threatening messages on the partitions. She set the
Serpent of Slytherin on 4 Mudbloods, and the Squib’s cat.
“No,” Harry whispered.
“yes,” said Riddle, calmly. “Of path, she did not comprehend what she was once
doing to start with. It was very amusing. I wish you might have visible her
new diary entries … Far more exciting, they became …. Pricey Tom,”
he recited, gazing Harry’s horrified face, `I feel i am shedding my
reminiscence. There are fowl feathers in every single place my robes and 1 do not know how
they bought there. Pricey Tom, l cannot do not forget what 1 did on the night time of
Halloween, but a cat was once attacked and i’ve received paint all down my front.
Expensive Tom, Percy continues telling me i am pale and i’m not myself. I feel he
suspects me… There was an additional assault at present
and i don’t know where I was once. Tom, what am I going to do? I think i am
going mad… I consider i am the one attacking each person, Tom!”
Harry’s fists had been clenched, the nails digging deep into his arms.
“it took a very long time for stupid little Ginny to stop trusting her
diary,” stated Riddle. “but she finally grew to be suspicious and tried to
get rid of it. And that’s the place you came in, Harry. You observed it, and that i
could not were more delighted. Of the entire people who could have
picked it up, it was you, the very man or woman I was once most anxious to meet . .
. .”
“And why did you wish to have to fulfill me?” said Harry. Anger was once coursing
by way of him, and it used to be an effort to maintain his voice consistent.
“well, you see, Ginny instructed me all about you, Harry,” said Riddle. “Your
entire interesting historical past. ” His eyes roved over the lightning scar on
Harry’s brow, and their expression grew hungrier. “I knew I have to
discover more about you, speak to you, meet you if I could. So I made up our minds
to show you my famous capture of that excellent oaf, Hagrid, to acquire your
trust -”
“Hagrid’s my pal,” said Harry, his voice now shaking. “and also you
framed him, failed to you? I concept you made a mistake, however -”
Riddle laughed his excessive laugh again.
“It used to be my word towards Hagrid’s, Harry. Well, that you could assume how
it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, negative
however top notch, parentless but so brave, institution prefect, mannequin student …
Alternatively, big, blundering Hagrid, in concern each different week,
attempting to elevate werewolf cubs below his mattress, sneaking off to the
Forbidden wooded area to battle trolls … But I
* 31:L *
admit, even I used to be surprised how well the plan worked. I notion
any one have to have an understanding of that Hagrid couldn’t very likely be the heir of
Slytherin. It had taken me 5 entire years to discover the whole lot I
could concerning the Chamber of secrets and become aware of the secret entrance
… As though Hagrid had the brains, or the power!
“most effective the Transfiguration teacher, Dumbledore, looked as if it would feel
Hagrid was once harmless. He persuaded Dipper to preserve Hagrid and instruct
him as gamekeeper. Yes, I believe Dumbledore would have guessed ….
Dumbledore under no circumstances seemed to like me as so much as the other lecturers
did ……
“I bet Dumbledore noticed proper through you,” stated Harry, his teeth gritted.
“well, he definitely saved an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid
was once expelled,” stated Riddle carelessly. “I knew it wouldn’t be secure to
open the Chamber again at the same time I used to be still at school. However I wasn’t going
to waste those lengthy years identification spent shopping for it. I made up our minds to depart
in the back of a diary, maintaining my sixteen-12 months-ancient self in its pages, so that
someday, with success, i’d be equipped to steer yet another in my footsteps, and
conclude Salazar Slytherin’s noble work.”
“good, you haven’t finished it,” stated Harry triumphantly. “no person’s died
this time, no longer even the cat. In a number of hours the Mandrake Draught will
be equipped and everybody who was once Petrified will be all right once more -”
“haven’t I already informed you,” stated Riddle quietly, “that killing Mudbloods
does not topic to me anymore? For many months now, my new target
has been -you.”
Harry stared at him.
“assume how irritated I was when the following time my diary was
opened, it was Ginny who was once writing to me, not you. She noticed you
with the diary, you see, and panicked. “What if you found out find out how to
work it, and i repeated all her secrets and techniques to you? What if, even worse, I
told you who’d been strangling roosters? So the foolish little brat waited
until your dormitory was once abandoned and stole it again. However I knew what I
must do. It was once clear to me that you were on the trail of Slytherin’s
inheritor. From the whole lot Ginny had informed me about you, I knew you possibly can
go to any lengths to solve the mystery —
notably if one among your satisfactory pals used to be attacked. And Ginny had
instructed me the entire tuition was once buzzing since you could speak
Parseltongue ….
“So I made Ginny write her possess farewell on the wall and are available down
here to wait. She struggled and cried and became very boring. But
there is not a lot lifestyles left in her …. She put an excessive amount of into the diary, into
me. Sufficient to let me depart its pages at final …. I’ve been waiting for
you to appear given that we arrived here. I knew you would come. I have many
questions for you, Harry Potter.”
“Like what?” Harry spat, fists nonetheless clenched.
“well,” stated Riddle, smiling pleasantly, “how is it that you just a skinny boy
and not using a distinguished magical skill – managed to defeat the greatest
wizard of all time? How did you break out with nothing but a scar, while
Lord Voldemort’s powers had been destroyed?”
There was an strange red gleam in his hungry eyes now.
“Why do you care how I escaped?” mentioned Harry slowly. “Voldemort used to be
after your time ……
“Voldemort,” mentioned Riddle softly, “is my previous, present, and future, Harry
Potter . . . .”
He pulled Harry’s wand from his pocket and commenced to hint it
via the air, writing three shimmering phrases:
Then he waved the wand once, and the letters of his identify
rearranged themselves:
“You see?” he whispered. “It was a reputation I used to be already utilizing at
Hogwarts, to my most intimate neighbors only, of course. You consider I
was once going to use my filthy Muggle father’s name endlessly? I, in whose
veins runs the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself, by way of my
mother’s facet? I, maintain the name of a foul, long-established Muggle, who
deserted me even earlier than I was once born, just due to the fact he found out his
wife was once a witch? No, Harry – I original myself a new name, a
identify I knew wizards far and wide would someday fear to communicate,
when I had emerge as the greatest sorcerer on the planet!”
Harry’s mind appeared to have jammed. He stared numbly at Riddle,
on the orphaned boy who had grown as much as homicide Harry’s possess
dad and mom, and so many others …. At last he compelled himself to -,peak.
“you’re not,” he said, his quiet voice stuffed with hatred.
“no longer what?” snapped Riddle.
“not the finest sorcerer on the earth,” stated Harry, respiration fast.
“Sorry to disappoint you and all that, however the finest wizard in the
world is Albus Dumbledore. Everybody says so. Even while you were
strong, you failed to dare attempt to take over at Hogwarts. Dumbledore
noticed by means of you while you had been at tuition and he nonetheless frightens you
now, wherever you’re hiding these days -”
The smile had long past from Riddle’s face, to get replaced by an awfully unpleasant
“Dumbledore’s been driven out of this fort through the mere reminiscence of
me!” he hissed.
“he’s not as gone as you might consider!” Harry retorted. He was
speaking at random, trying to scare Riddle, wishing alternatively than
believing it to be actual
Riddle opened his mouth, however iced up.
Song was coming from someplace. Riddle whirled around to stare
down the empty Chamber. The music was once growing louder. It was once
eerie, spine-tingling, unearthly; it lifted the hair on Harry’s scalp and
made his coronary heart feel as though it was once swelling to twice its average dimension.
Then, as the song reached the sort of pitch that Harry felt it vibrating
inside of his own ribs, flames erupted at the prime of the closest pillar.
A crimson chicken the scale of a swan had regarded, piping its weird tune
to the vaulted ceiling. It had a glittering golden tail as long as a
peacock’s and glowing golden talons, which were gripping a ragged
A 2d later, the chicken used to be flying straight at Harry. It dropped the
ragged thing it was once carrying at his feet, then landed closely on his
shoulder. Because it folded its first-rate wings, Harry appeared up and noticed it had a
long, sharp golden beak and a beady black eye.
The hen stopped singing. It sat still and warm subsequent to Harry’s cheek,
observing regularly at Riddle.
“that is a phoenix mentioned Riddle, staring shrewdly again at it.
“Fawkes?” Harry breathed, and he felt the chicken’s golden claws
squeeze his shoulder gently
“And that -” stated Riddle, now eyeing the ragged factor that Fawkes had
dropped, “that’s the old school Sorting Hat -”
So it used to be. Patched, frayed, and dirty, the hat lay immobile at Harry’s
Riddle started out to laugh once more. He laughed so difficult that the darkish
chamber rang with it, as if ten Riddles have been laughing at once
“this is what Dumbledore sends his defender! A songbird and an ancient
hat! Do you think brave, Harry Potter? Do you feel trustworthy now?”
Harry failed to answer. He might no longer see what use Fawkes or the
Sorting Hat were, however he was not alone, and he waited for
Riddle to stop laughing along with his braveness mounting.
“To business, Harry,” mentioned Riddle, still smiling commonly. “Twice – on your
past, in my future – we have now met. And twice I failed to kill you. How
did you survive? Tell me the whole lot. The longer you speak,” he delivered
softly, “the longer you keep alive.”
Harry used to be thinking fast, weighing his probabilities. Riddle had the wand.
He, Harry, had Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, neither of which might
be so much excellent in a duel. It regarded unhealthy, all right … However the longer Riddle
stood there, the more life used to be dwindling out of Ginny … And within the
intervening time, Harry seen all of the sudden, Riddle’s define was once becoming
clearer, more strong …. If it needed to be a battle between him and Riddle,
higher faster than later.
“nobody is aware of why you misplaced your powers while you attacked me,”
mentioned Harry immediately. “I don’t know myself but i do know why you
could not kill me. On the grounds that my mom died to save lots of me. My customary
Muggle-born mother,” he brought, shaking with suppressed rage. “She
stopped you killing me. And i have seen the real you, I saw you last
12 months. You’re a ruin. You are barely alive. That’s the place your whole
vigour obtained you. You are in hiding. You’re unsightly, you are foul -”

Riddle’s face contorted. Then he forced it into an terrible smile. “So.
Your mom died to save lots of you. Yes, that is a robust countercharm. I
can see now … There may be nothing particular about you, after all. I
wondered, you see. There are strange likenesses between us, after all.
Even you need to have noticed. Both half of-bloods, orphans, raised by using
Muggles. Quite often the one two Parselmouths to come back to Hogwarts
when you consider that the nice Slytherin himself We even look whatever alike … However
in spite of everything, it was once merely a fortunate risk that saved you from me. That’s
all I desired to grasp.”